Sunday, August 3, 2008

300km in 24 Hours.

In a strategy I have used many times over the years, I am going to try foolishly and "Bank" training tomorrow.

On Wednesday morning I am leaving for my cottage in Nova Scotia, and sadly, have decided not to bring my bike. 

As a result of this decision I need to get the most out of my bike training before I leave, when I get back I will only have 2 weeks until the Vancouver triathlon to find my biking legs again.

The training I have proposed isn't actually all that adventuresome. The 300km started today with a 90k ride up Mt Seymore, I took it fairly easy because I was a little apprehensive about my rides tomorrow. Tomorrows ride will be a loop of the North Shore with Kevin, Facundo, and Derek, upon completion, if I have any takers, they will accompany me for a loops around Richmond. 

At this point I plan on doing mainly all flat riding, so unless the others really want to ride Seymore or Cypress, it should be a fairly easy day, despite the distance.

If I get this done it will be A) My longest ride ever (Previous 165k), and B) my most intense two days coming it at just under 300km.

For a very rough idea of the route I've mapped it out here which has mileage, or you can get a general ideal just by looking at the picture. (Notice it says 185km, well thats because I wasn't following the road very accurately, I'll have a more exact number tomorrow.

I in my infinite wisdom tonight didn't think about what this task I was taking on would mean, and the realization that I may want to carb load prior to a 6-7 hour training day never crossed my mind. So there I was at 10PM preparing pasta which I just finished eating. Lets hope that cuts it!

Anyways, this was a pretty crummy post, I apologize for that, writing about predictions and such is never all that exciting for a training day.

The difficulty won't be the distance as much as I think it will be the speed.

Nike came out with this commercial not too sure how long ago. I don't have a TV so its new to me. I just think its amazing

Also, if you enjoyed that, you can go to the Nike Website and check out the names of all the athletes that are seen along with a little blurb about each of them. Steve Prefontaine, Lance Armstrong, and John McEnroe what more can you need!

When I am out there tomorrow hurting and wanting to cut the route short (fortunately/unfortunately this is an option quite frequently on my ride) I will just think about this commercial and motivate myself to push harder and keep on going.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Denis le Magnifique said...

Bonne fete Vincent pour tes 23 ans. Loin de ta famille à Vancouver comment est ta vie la-bas. La course et le vélo, tout se passe bien j'espère...malgré quelques blessures. Ici tout roule, les enfants sont toujours dans le badminton et le volleyball et cela va bien pour eux;les compétitions vont recommencer bientot et on a bien hate. Pour le reste c'est le tin tin habituel.
Je dois aller me coucher il est passé 10 heures ici. Continue à écrire ton blog; je vais le lire à l'occasion.

Bonne fete encore Vincent de nous tous:
Camille, Jérémie, Audrey, Chantal et Denis le Magnifique sans oublier Tiger Woods.