Thursday, March 5, 2009

Boulder Wrap Up

I have fallen behind on my blog post. Its frustrating because I have idea's for post, but no time to write them.

Instead of a detailed recount of the rest of my trip, I'll simply do a photo diary of it.

Monday, Angela's last day in Colorado was spent in Denver. We went down to the city and walked around, checking out the shops and simply enjoying the nice day.

We walked around the Art Museum which has a lot of cool sculptures around

This was followed up by going to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Will and I really wanted to go there to see some dinosaurs.
This is me growing very impatient at the lack of dinosaurs we've seen, I threw a bit of a tantrum

We continued walking along checkout out the shops on 16th street mall. Here will had his second accident of the trip, a little pop mishap. Not as embarassing as the first misshap, but photo documentation nonetheless.

Shortly after Will's accident, we came across this awesome car.


On our way to the museum however, we ran into our first roadblock. The iPhone which had been directing us without failure all weekend led us astray. This though, was in no reason fault of the iPhone, I blame google for giving us the wrong address.

Angela and I gave up, but Will kept looking, finding the museum eventually.

The museum was pretty cool and it was a fun way to round out the afternoon before driving Angela to the airport. 

Kelly's best dino impression

This is how we roll heading into the museum!

That night was spent watching Slumdog Millionaire, and an early night.

Tuesday arrived and we really didn't do much, made pancakes, watched, I'm on a Boat, and then I headed to the bus stop to catch a bus to Denver Airport (Angela got driven, apparently they love her more).

The bus was uneventful and the flight was nice and short with little turbulence. I landed in Casper Wyoming and was welcomed by a great meal with Mike and Gina.  But more on that in my next post


RunningLaur said...

What a great photo-journal of the trip. This makes me want to visit Denver even more now!

And I agree, it's never the iPhone's fault. Never. It's too shiny to be wrong.

Ulyana said...

Great photos! Some familiar places!

I used to go through my shoes much, much faster than I do now. When I used to run 50 miles a week, I'd go through two pairs of shoes in about three months. Now I run about half as much. I get new shoes when I start feeling pain in my feet. I don't get rid of the old shoes right away, I mix it up running some runs in new shoes, some in old.